Hello Willow class who are learning from home this week. Please find below your home learning for this week. Check this post daily as it will be updated with further tasks.
This week in class we will be revising our learning and completing tests to check our understanding. So this week I will be setting revision activities and reasoning problems.
Monday – practise arithmetic problems
Y3-Arithmetic-Full-Test-1Use a numberline, jottings on paper or this hundred square below to support you if needed. Also, remember methods we have used and learnt in class, e.g. column addition and subtraction.
Hundred square: 100-square-hundred-square
Tuesday – practise 3,4,8 times tables.
You can login to Times Table Rockstars and practise the tables you have been set. Please email willow@perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk or contact school if you are unsure of your login details. They are glued into the front of your reading record.
Times table practise: 3 and 4 times table practice
8 times table practice
Wednesday – revise place value (complete the place value activities in the booklet below).
Thursday – revise addition and subtraction (complete the addition and subtraction activities in the booklet below).
Friday – revise multiplication and division (complete the multiplication and division activities in the booklet below).
Autumn revisionEnglish
Monday – reading comprehension
Fiction Reading Revision Mat
Tuesday – listening and reading poems
Listen to and read this poem by Michael Rosen. Then have a go at answering the questions. Talk about the questions and the poem to an adult if they are available. I was born in the Stone Age poem (Link to video can be found on word document at the end of the poem.)
Wednesday – explore and understand Haikus (poem)
Read the Haiku poems and count the syllables on each line to check it follows the 5, 7, 5 pattern: Haiku or not
Thursday – create own Haiku (Challenge: create Haiku about the Stone Age.)
HaikuFriday – understand plurals
Follow the above link to find out how to change singular nouns in to plurals (watch video).
PE (Monday) – Throwing and catching.
If you have a ball at home (ask an adult before completing this task) practise throwing and catching the ball. Below are some challenges you could try. If you have someone else at home to practise throwing and catching to another person or you can use a wall (outside only).
t2-pe-104-sevens-ball-game-to-support-teaching-on-throwing-and-catchingScience (Tuesday)
Rocks activity