Hello Year 4. Here is your home learning from 10th February – 12th February.
English – This week we will be writing our own report on Mt. Everest.
Wednesday – Please read through the fact sheet and make your own notes about Mount Everest.
Mount Everest facts for children Wed
Afternoon – Please practice times tables clubs and the spelling task set on purple mash.
Thursday and Friday- Please begin writing your report. You can either write onto the word document or print the mountain worksheet and write within it. This is what a good one looks like.
Afternoon – RE
We have been learning about different qualities Christian’s have and what kind of world they want to live in. Can you compare it to the type of world you would like to live in.
English- continue with and complete your report on Mt. Everest.
Afternoon – Have a look at the Power Point about Chinese New Year and complete the activities on there.