Before Easter, Year 5 looked at the Easter Story and the Stations of the cross. We created a piece of artwork using oil pastels and chalk to create one of the Stations of the Cross.
Before Easter, Year 5 looked at the Easter Story and the Stations of the cross. We created a piece of artwork using oil pastels and chalk to create one of the Stations of the Cross.
Yesterday, Denim and Sapphire had a lovely day visiting Safeside at the West Midlands Fire Station. We had an important but fun-filled day, learning all about safety in different scenarios: on a bus, on a train, in an alleyway, in the car, by a canal, on ice, in the...
Yesterday, Denim and Sapphire had a lovely day visiting Safeside at the West Midlands Fire Station. We had an important but fun-filled day, learning all about safety in different scenarios: on a bus, on a train, in an alleyway, in the car, by a canal, on ice, in the...
Congratulations to all of those children in Year 6 who made this week's leaderboard! You can work to get on the leaderboard next time